How to connect Neato XV-11 Lidar to Raspberry Pi 2 or 3 with ROS

Laser 360 range sensor from vacuum cleaner Neato XV-11 is one of the most popular and cheapest way to get lidar for robotics experiments.
Sensor has two connectors - first is an ordinary serial port, another is power for motor. Despite on XV-11 Lidar’s price, it provides pretty good measurement data with transmission rate up to 5Hz. Of course there are drivers for ROS, which consume raw sensor data and convert it LaserScan format.
LaserScan is an array of range sensor data withing some angle range. Neato Lidar provides range data in 360 degrees. LaserScan information can be used in robotics for SLAM - map building, obstacle avoidance, etc…

How to connect Kinect to Raspberry Pi 2 or 3 with ROS

Today's episode is about using Kinect with ROS on Raspberry Pi 2 or 3.
Kinect is one of the most popular source of PointClouds - array of points with 3D coordinates information. It has proprietary connector - actually it's USB+12V bus, and needs adapter for PC connection Despite that Kinect is bigger than ASUS Xtion, it has also tilt motor, microphone array, accelerometer and better support from ROS community
PointClouds can be converted to LaserScan - array of range sensor data withing some angle range. It looks like lidar data, but not in 360 degrees.

How to use USB camera with ROS on Raspberry Pi - image_view and web streaming

Today's tutorial is about to connect USB Camera to Raspberry Pi and use it with ROS (Robot Operating System) - read data though ROS image_view and even stream to web browser!

How to install ROS on Raspberry Pi 2 or 3

Details for Robotics Weekends - Episode 6 - ROS (Robot Operating System) installation on Raspberry Pi 2 or 3 

I'm often asked how to install ROS on Raspberry Pi. So I decided to record this simple tutorial for you.